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1548 Joh. Stumpf, Berne, Bern, Switzerland, fine woodcut Leaf

1548 Joh. Stumpf, Berne, Bern, Switzerland, fine woodcut Leaf

Regular price £190.00 GBP
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Original woodcut leaf from the scarce first issue of Stumpfs ‘Schweizer Chronik’ of 1548.

36.6 x 22.7 cm

Large woodcut depicting the city of Berne.

On fine folio with descriptive text.

Excellent condition.

In 1529 Johannes Stumpf married the first of his four wives, a daughter of Heinrich Brennwald, who wrote a work (still in manuscript) on Swiss history, and stimulated his son-in-law to undertake historical studies. Stumpf made wide researches, with this object, for many years, and undertook also several journeys, of which that in 1544 to Engelberg and through the Valais seems to be the most important, perhaps because his original diary has been preserved to us. The fruit of his labours (completed at the end of 1546) was published in 1548 at Zürich in a huge folio of 934 pages (with many fine wood engravings, coats of arms, maps, &c.), under the title of Gemeiner loblicher Eydgnoschafft Stetten, Landen und Voelckeren Chronick wirdiger thaaten Beschreybung. An extract from it was published in 1554, under the name of Schwytzer Chronika. New editions of the original work were issued in 1586 and 1606 of inferior quality. The woodcuts are best in the first edition, and it remained till Scheuchzer's day (early 18th century) the chief authority on its subject.

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