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1624 Lauro, Giacomo, Septizonium appian way, folio, engraving, Rome, Italy

1624 Lauro, Giacomo, Septizonium appian way, folio, engraving, Rome, Italy

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A depiction of the Septizonium from the Appian Way constructed by Septimus Severus and dedicated in 203 AD. Fragments of the façade existed until the sixteenth century.

Mausolaeum Augusti (Hodie Uisuntur Uestigia Ad S. R. Ochum)

Lauro, Giacomo ( Jacobus Laurus )

Antiquae Urbis Splendor, Hoc Est Praecipua Eiusdem Templa Amphitheatra Theatra Circi Naumachiae Arcus Triumphales Mausolea .

Romae, Apresso Vitale Mascardi, Roma, 1612-1622 [1624].

FINE ENGRAVING from one of the most influential and beautiful works on the monuments and antiquities of ancient Rome. The Antiquae urbis splendor, ('The Splendor of the Ancient City') served as an important reference book and source of inspiration for many writers and artists. Giacomo Lauro was a roman printmaker active from 1583 to about 1650. 

Leaf: 21.7 x 36.7 cm

Blank to verso.

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